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CCA Bulletins 2008

Bulletins are the CCA's frequent information updates on current events affecting the cultural sector.

CCA Bulletin 52/08

The Cultural Sector – Part of the Solution for Economic Stimulus
(December 18, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 51/08

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau - From the Regional Forums to the March 12 Chalmers Conference
(December 17, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 50/08

The Political Crisis Almost Eclipses the Economic Crisis
(December 8, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 49/08

The Economic Meltdown: Arts Organizations Feel the Heat and Finance Minister Flaherty Seeks Ideas for Economic Stimulation
(November 25, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 48/08

They’re Baaaaaack ! Canada’s 40th Parliament Gets To Work
(November 20, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 47/08

Statistics Canada Releases Data on Government Expenditures on Culture for 2004/2006 (November 13, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 46/08

The CCA and Freedom of Expression – The Endless Battle

(November 3, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 45/08

Prime Minister Harper’s New Cabinet: New Faces and Roles

(October 30, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 44/08

The Votes are In: CCA Getting Ready for the 40th Parliament!

(October 15, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 43/08

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau – The CCA enters the Blogosphere!

(October 10, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 42/08

CCA Research Report: The Effects of Administrative Reforms on the Activities of Advocacy Groups (October 9, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 41/08

Making a Single Case for the Arts: An International Perspective (October 8, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 40/08

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: Open Letter to Canadian Political Leaders and Cultural Organization Leaders (October 2, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 39/08

Funding Arts and Culture under Canada’s 39th Parliament (September 22, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 38/08

Federal Election 2008 – What to ask candidates when they solicit your vote?
(Part Three)
(September 17, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 37/08

Federal Election 2008 – What to ask candidates when they solicit your vote?
(Part Two)
(September 16, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 36/08

Federal Election 2008 – What to ask candidates when they solicit your vote?
(Part One)
  (September 15, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 35/08

Canada’s 39th Parliament and Art and Culture: What Has Been Done, What Died on the Order Paper… (September 11, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 34/08

CCA’s 2008 Federal Election Action Plan (September 8, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 33/08

The CCA Hits the Road This Fall: Join the Conversation!

(September 5, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 32/08

More Budget Cuts to Culture and some news from the CCA

(September 2, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 31/08

When "Contrary to Public Policy", is NOT Contrary to Interest: the CCA makes amends (August 29, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 30/08

Revenue Canada's Rules for Fundraising by Registered Charities: the CCA Raises a Red Flag (August 27, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 29/08

  Heritage Spending Cuts – Part Two: An Ongoing Saga?(August 25, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 28/08

Contrary to Public Policy”: from Bill C-10 to Revenue Canada’s Rules for Fundraising by Registered Charities

(August 25, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 27/08

Culture Spending Cuts – Part One: Trade Routes and PromArt Cuts in Context

(August 20, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 26/08

Canadian Television Fund: the CCA opposes the CRTC's main recommendations

(July 31, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 25/08

Copyright Reform: from balancing competing interest to establishing a market-place approach to rights?

(July 22, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 24/08

The CCA Publishes its Annual Analysis of the Federal Budget

(July 17, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 23/08

Summer means...2009-10 Federal Budget Consultations!

(July 10, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 22/08

"Compete to Win" - Competition Policy Review Panel Tables Final Report

(July 3, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 21/08

Bill C-10 - Could the Liberal Senator's Amendments trigger an election?

(June 23, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 20/08

Bill C-61 - The Devil is in the Details: Revisions to the Copyright Act Finally Unveiled

(June 20, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 19/08

CCA Annual General Meeting Ushers in New Board Members and Bylaw Changes

(June 18, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 18/08

The Federal Action Plan on Grants and Contributions Unveiled

(June 6, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 17/08

Culture and Trade

(June 4, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 16/08

“Spring Cleaning”: Parliamentary Update

(May 22, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 15/08

The Plans and Priorities of the Department of Canadian Heritage for 2008-2009

(May 21, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 14/08

Trade Talks - From Agriculture to Culture, Let’s Make a Deal?

 (May 8, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 13/08

Cultural Policy: Next Generation - A New Program from the Canadian Conference of the Arts (May 1, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 12/08

Bill C-10: The CCA warns the Senate Banking Committee about the serious dangers to freedom of expression

 (April 10, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 11/08

The Canadian Conference of the Arts welcomes its 2008-2011 Board of Governors

 (March 26, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 10/08

From Economy to Ecology – A Policy Framework for Creative Labour  

(March 14, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 09/08

Is the C-10 Controversy Necessary?  (March 11, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 08/08

The Federal Government Releases the 2008-09 Main Estimates

(March 4, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 07/08

The Cultural Sector Presents its Views to the Federal Competition Review Panel

(March 3, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 06/08

Follow-ups to Symposium on the Role of the Arts in Public Diplomacy

(February 29, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 05/08

The 2008-09 Federal Budget: Much Ado about Nothing (February 27, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 04/08

Minister of Canadian Heritage Introduces Legislation to Create New National Museum (February 14, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 03/08

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: Chalmers Mini-Conference by John Holden, Head of Culture for the Influential British think tank DEMOS (February 11, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 02/08

Parliament Returns- What to Expect From the Spring Session (January 28, 2008)

CCA Bulletin 01/08

CCA to Competition Policy Review Panel: Foreign Ownership Restrictions Vital for Canadian Cultural Expression (January 14, 2008))


Bulletin Archive





CCA Bulletins may be posted and/or redistributed. When reprinting CCA Bulletins, please give appropriate credit.

To obtain bulletins produced before 2004 please write to us at info@ccarts.ca.