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Next Steps

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sounds like a preliminary report will be circulated before the summer, and further refinement and work will take place in the fall. Or sooner! It was suggested that we are entering another election cycle and so we need to make some key decisions more quickly.

Check the CCA website and bulletins for further updates.

Thank you! Please circulate the link to this blog to your friends and colleagues and encourage them to leave a comment on the blog. Folks at the CCA will be most interested in seeing the outcomes of this blog experiment.

Signing off,
Helen Yung
Read more!


Blogger The 905er said...

10:08 AM  
Blogger Denise Roy said...

This post has been removed by the author.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Denise Roy said...


Whoops - a bad typo in my previous post which I deleted.

Thanks for doing this.You managed to capture the spirit of the event very well. Let's hope we can keep the energy going towards some strong, united action.


4:57 PM  

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