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2010 Federal Budget

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Today, as the third session of Canada's 40th Parliament is launched with the Speech from the Throne, participate in an online discussion!

The CCA will publish bulletins analyzing how the Speech from the Throne and how the 2010 Federal Budget will impact arts and culture in Canada. Specifically, we will look at new funding initiatives for arts and culture, spending on cultural infrastructure, promotion of arts abroad, and development of new audiences.

We also hope to see plans to implement a digital strategy, new copyright legislation, and other innovative steps in the realms of telecommunications and taxation.

Over the next couple of days, and the following weeks look out for our evaluation of the Main Estimates, and the impact of deficit reduction on the Department of Canadian Heritage and other cultural agencies. We will also be keeping a watchful eye on how federal deficit reduction will be compounded by steps taken by provinces.

We hope this post will be the first in creating a dialogue about this new session of Canada's 40th Parliament. Use this thread to post comments, questions, links, and anything those interested in the arts would like to learn!

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