Conferences and Events

2010 National Policy Conference
November 1-3
National Arts Centre
Ottawa, Ontario
Background Speakers Gala Schedule Registration Pricing
Location Accommodations Our Partners Media Research Program
As Canada and other countries move towards an increasingly flexible, digitally-based, mobile and creative economy, artists and producers of content are both more important players while also increasingly vulnerable. The Canadian Conference of the Arts' 2010 National Policy Conference will explore the policies needed to ensure that Canada will be a leading player in this new economy. Since the creative economy is local, regional, national and global, the scope for discussion is vast.
The conference will consider a myriad of issues focusing on the role of the artist. Will it be the artist's creative mind that drives this economy to success? Do new technologies mean that the artist will now be subsumed into a new and very broad category of creative knowledge workers? If the artist is at the heart of the creative economy, how do we ensure that Canadian artists reach their full potential? How do we enable Canada to be a leading player in this new economy?
The conference will consider impediments and aids impacting artists who may be driving the creative economy. Is the relationship between the artist and the producer different in this new economy? Are the distinctions between user-generated and professional content disappearing? Is it necessary to change the strategies used to foster the vitality of the Canadian cultural sector? What type of strategies and policies would be appropriate given the increased involvement of local governments in cultural development and planning?
2010 marks the 30th anniversary of the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist and the conference will be an opportunity to reflect on whether our artists are well positioned to meet the challenges. The conference will be forward looking, with innovative approaches to discussion, debate and policy formation.
The conference will also provide an opportunity to present and discuss the results of important studies regarding the Canadian cultural labour force, including studies on senior artists and the Cultural Human Resources Council update on the cultural labour force.