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LESSON PLAN : The ICC -- Mock Trial

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  • Students will participate in a mock trial and will explore the scope and content of international human security issues.


  • Mock Trial Preparation Package
  • Rome Statute
  • Mock Trial Tips (http://dev.massbar.org/mock/tips.php)


1. Inform students that they will be participating in a Mock Trial. Hand out the Mock Trial Preparation Package and review the contents with the class.

2. The following is a list of roles that have been included in the preparation package:

Court Officials:

  • Three Judges
  • Three Judge Clerks
  • Prosecuting Team
  • Defence Team
  • Victim's Lawyers
  • Court Reporter
  • Court Clerk
Court Witnesses:
  • Accused - President Soltanto
  • Dafir religious leader
  • Local villager
  • RPP Soldier
  • Wife of Sergeant Reid
  • Military Expert
  • Psychologist
  • Victim #1
  • Victim #2

Depending upon the number of students in your classroom, additional roles such as journalists, TV reporters, and lobbyists can also be added to this list. If these roles are added, a post-trial press conference may be included in the events of the Mock Trial. At this time, each group can have a press statement prepared in which they give their reaction to the verdict. Reporters will also have an opportunity to ask questions at this time.

3. Ask students for their input on how roles should be allocated. Suggest the process of nominations, which would require students to decide on the number of names for each position. Following this, secret ballots could be filled out to determine who will represent each role.

4. Send out a newsletter to parents informing them of the date on which the Mock Trial will take place. Another class may also be invited to be spectators at the trial.

5. Once the Mock Trial has taken place, be sure to get student input on the successes and challenges of the trial. Have a debriefing session where students are able to discuss what they have learned from the experience.

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