A Ghost Story
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Hy Tower Mine

Lumber Camps

Party Line Problems

River Drive

Sammy Dean

In Kynoch's early days, logs used to be driven down Beaver Creek to the Little White River down which they were driven to the mill. One spring, employment was very scarce. The men working on the drive did not want this particular job to end too soon, because they did not want to face the prospect of having to either search for work, or find some other means of subsistence. Because of this, they did not look too kindly upon having more people join the crew, thereby making the job end sooner. However, one day a fellow named Roy came by looking for a job.

Donald Bell had a boarding house at Bell's Falls, and from where the men were working they could hear the dinner bell ring at noon. However, the sound echoing up the creek sounded like the rattling or pounding of a dinner plate. Roy heard this and asked what it was. He was told that a man had once starved to death in a nearby cabin. Thereafter he could be heard pounding on his dinner plate for food everyday at noon. Roy was extremely superstitious, so he left immediately after dinner. Thus, the men had ensured that their job would last.

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