Stories from the Lumber Camps
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Hy Tower Mine

Party Line Problems

River Drive

Sammy Dean

"Ghost Story"
Photo courtesy of Timber Village Museum

Hay and Oats for Dinner

At one lumber camp, so the story goes, the stable was located some distance out past the main part of the camp, so the plan was to get all the hay and oats in before the snow came so the workers wouldn't have to keep the road open.

This got to be a problem for the cook because he would order things but they would not be brought in because the men were too busy bringing in hay and oats. One day the cook could not take it anymore. When the men came in to dinner there was nothing on the table but a bale of hay and a bag of oats. The cook was gone: he was fed up with trying to feed the men on nothing because no one was bringing in any groceries.


At one time, a man named Starr worked in one of the lumber camps. Late one afternoon he was coming through with a load of logs that he was taking to the dump site, three miles past the camp. When he saw that everyone was going into supper, Starr stopped and began to unhitch his horses, planning to join the others. The boss saw him and said, "Take that load on down and dump it first." However, Starr continued to unhitch his team as if he hadn't heard a word.

So the boss asked him, "Well didn't you hear me?"

"Yes I heard you," the man replied. "My name may be Starr but I'm not going to shine on this road all night."

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