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York Factory First Nation regional and local economic development initiatives will ensure hope for the future of their youth and their families.

Regional Strategy
  • Business Development

Local Strategy
  • Youth Development
  • Entrepreneurial Development
  • Business Development
York Factory First Nation has delegated it's economic development responsibilities upon the Seepastik Development Corporation. The Corporation was started in 1993 and employs five people to handle it's different services and programs. The Corporation is served by a four member Board of Directors.

York Factory has also established Kitchie-Waskahigan Trust. Kitchie-Waskahigan Trust was put in place to the handle the funds the Reserve will receive from the NFA settlement. The entity is made up of a Corporate Trustee and a seven member board of trustees of York Landing.

Thus far York Factory First Nation along with the Seepastik Development Corporation has examined many options pertaining to their economic development.

York Factory First Nation's major development is the Silver Goose Lodge which is located on the traditional York Factory reserve grounds of Kaskatamawgin. The lodge is a present time open seasonally during the summer and fall months. However, the leadership is looking at ways to keep the lodge open year round. They are examining ways to appeal to nature enthusiast such as kayakers, canoeists, hunters, fisherman, etc.

Arts and Crafts is another endeavor that York Factory has looked into. They have begun to sell their communities art works in the United States.

York Factory First Nation has also invested in property in the city of Winnipeg. The property consists of the building in which they host their Winnipeg Office in, an old legion building that they plan to renovate, and a huge parking lot that accompanied the purchase of the legion building.

However, the main focus of their economic development is the communities future, their youth. In their Communities Development Model it clearly states, "A community development model, based on the centuries old medicine wheel concept, has been developed to reflect the focus on the child or Awasis at the center of all activity with relevant peripheral b components identified as governance reform, social reform, cultural restoration and economic development."

The community will tie together all components stated above that is governance reform, social reform, cultural restoration and economic development, by using the development assets approach. The approach focuses on 40 development assets of children as they progress from childhood to adulthood. The assets are summarized by ROPE (www.rope.org) and they are as follows:

Support is achieved when connections are made between the major environments (family, school, community, and peers) that impact youth and significant people within those environments.

Empowerment is achieved when youth are given opportunities to develop mastery of skills, competency in performance, meaning identity, and purpose in their lives to positively impact the major environment.

Boundaries and Expectations are achieved when youth have the opportunities to engage in meaningful dialogue with adults to establish clear rules and consequences in the major environment that impact their lives.

Constructive Use of Time is achieved when youth are systematically guided into meaningful and health promoting connections with major environments that impact their lives.

Commitment to Learning is achieved when youth are engaged in skill development directed to help them accomplish increasingly difficult challenges that build pathways to learning and a success identity.

Positive Values are achieved when youth can transcend their personal needs and issues, make connections with others, and see their lives in a larger context, i.e., community, society, the universe.

Social Competency is achieved when youth are given opportunities to learn skills, attitudes, and beliefs that give them the interpersonal competency and confidence to be with people of different backgrounds and engage in health promoting life styles.

Positive Identity is achieved when youth engage in activities that help them derive meaning in living and a sense of purpose and a perception of hope for their future.

York Factory First Nation realizes that their children will be their leaders of tomorrow and is gearing all initiatives such as economic development to help their young people transcend into proper positions with the proper tools.

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