Peace River Lowlands Wildlife
The overall diversity of wildlife is lower here than in the
Central Mixedwood Subregion although many of the same
species occur in both Subregions. However, the
Peace-Athabasca Delta supports a rich wildlife population and is a major nesting and moulting ground for ducks, and a key staging and migration area for waterfowl such as
the Tundra Swan. Bison and muskrats also use the large wet sedge meadows.
White Pelicans nest along the Slave River and the most northerly populations and
hibernacula of common (Red sided)
Garter Snakes also occur in this Subregion.
The Peace River Lowlands also possess very diverse fish
populations. Lake Whitefish, Northern Pike, Goldeneye, Emerald
Shiner, Longnose Sucker, Trout-perch, Walleye, Ninespine Stickleback,
Flathead Chub, Burbot, Spottail Shiner, Spoonhead Sculpin and Longnose
Dace are common in the river and streams of this Subregion. Round
Whitefish and Short-jawed Cisco are local and uncommon, and occur nowhere else in Alberta.
and Landforms][Climate][Soils]