The Foothills Fescue Subregion
The Foothills Fescue Subregion occurs largely on
morainal, glaciolacustrine and outwash deposits along the lower flanks of the Foothills Geologic Belt, the Porcupine Hills and onto the adjacent plains area. They occur primarily as a narrow band between the
Mixedgrass Subregion and the Foothills Parkland Subregion, although in some areas Foothills Grassland merges directly into the
Montane Subregion of the Rocky Mountain
Region. There are disjunct areas on the lower slopes of the Sweetgrass Hills and on unglaciated loess deposits on the plateau of the
Cypress Hills and immediately adjacent plains. The largest area of this latter type is on the Milk River Ridge.
Elevations in this subregion are much higher than in the other two
grassland subregions. These range up to 1400 metres in parts of the Cypress Hills. A small portion of this subregion, in the Milk River Ridge
- Cypress Hills areas, drains into the Milk River system. The rest is part of the Saskatchewan River system.
Information provided by and printed with the permission
of Alberta Community Development, Parks
and Protected Areas.
and Landforms][Climate][Soils]