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The Kazan Upland Wildlife

Moose in the Kazan UplandsCharacteristic species of upland jack pine forests include common nighthawk, gray jay, common raven, boreal chickadee, American robin, hermit thrush, dark-eyed junco, red squirrel, varying hare, lynx and black bear. Wetland and open water species include common loon, lesser scaup, bufflehead, Bonaparte's gull, spotted sandpiper, alder flycatcher, rusty blackbird, red-winged blackbird, rusty blackbird, moose, beaver and mink.

Peregrine Falcon Bald eagle and osprey are widely distributed throughout the Subregion, nesting near the numerous lakes. Golden eagle, which does not breed in the Boreal Forest, nests locally on cliffs. Rare peregrine falcons have also nested on cliffs in the area.

Northern shrike and arctic loon are bothArctic Fox photo subarctic species that have bred in the Subregion. Winter visitors from further north include willow ptarmigan and, occasionally, barren ground caribou and arctic fox.

Information provided by and printed with the permission of Alberta Community Development, Provincial Parks and Protected Areas.
Updated July 30th, 2001 by KP