Tzedakah (Charity) Box
Charity Box

The giving of Tzedakah or charity is a consistent and integral part of Jewish Life. While modern technology and banking have enabled one to make charitable donations in other ways, a Tzedakah box in itself can also serve as a reminder to fulfill the mitzvah of giving to others.

This non-precious metal Tzedakah box is approximately 28 centimeters in height. The box dates from the early 20th century and might have been located in a synagogue or a home. It has three parts from bottom to top and the way the three parts are unified is like a rolling slope. The base of this box is the largest section and has as its central focus a Hebrew inscription.

The border around the Hebrew is artistic swirls and designs . The texture of this box is not uniform in that the artistic etchings have created a bas relief. The second level is smaller than the first yet has similar artistic engravings. A careful examination reveals a Magen David (Star of David), a crown and what could be interpreted as a figure of a person.

Charity Box The top level is where a person can drop in their coins. The slot is bordered by swirls and is very narrow in width. This Tzedakah box has a beautiful back view as well. Maintaining consistency in its appearance the back view carries on the artistic swirls and etchings, as well as the Magen David and Crown. One can also notice the little door on the back of the base which is practical in that it enables one to remove the money and distribute it to the sources that require it. If one were to see this back view without knowing of the object's intended purpose one might believe it is like a little treasure chest or a replica of a house.

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