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Project Overview

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In producing a site such as Judaic Art in Context many people must be thanked for their contributions. All of the members of the project team, and the team's leaders Percy Johnson and Loren Lerner, would like to express their deepest appreciation to the individuals who offered advice ranging from technical and liturgical expertise, to the moral support of family members and the Temple's tireless office staff and administrators. We especially wish to highlight the thoughtfulness of those people who contributed personal images of Life Cycle Events and/or Jewish Holidays that assisted in contextualizing the objects from the Aron Museum.


Members of the Judaic Art in Context team, from left to right are Stephanie M. Pearl, Jane Shulman, Samantha Nayer, Jason Henle, Devorah Cohen, Alex Nemeroff, Alexandre Blander, Daniel Singer, Cindy Garayt, and Antoine Cloutier-Bélisle. Team leaders Percy Johnson and Loren Lerner are not shown.

Individuals and groups that helped us make Judaic Art in Context a reality include Industry Canada, and the SchoolNet Digitization program under the direction of Doug Hull, Keith Richardson, and Nora Hockin. Technical advice from the staff at Ingenia Communications was only a phone call away and special thanks go out to Alasdair McKie and his colleagues.

team Rabbi Leigh Lerner, Marilyn Green, Anita Kogan, Don Charness, and Alan Raymond from Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom offered support at various stages and deserve individual mention. Suzan Carsley and Rita Sousa Johnson offered advice on the aesthetic and pedagogical nature of the site. A special trip to visit with Rabbi David Cohen assisted in understanding the nature of producing a Torah and other Judaic objects.

Naturally without a museum collection, our site would be without a focus. Thank you to the Museum Committee for enabling this site to be developed. To each of the members of this committee, starting with the honorary curator Ellen Samuel, please accept our sincerest gratitude and our hope that we adequately and fairly represented what we feel is one of the best collections of Judaic Art in Canada.

Thanks also to the wonderful office staff of the Temple, Mona Schwartz, Estelle Liquornik, Bette Shulman, and Hanna Lewkowict. Access to areas of the Temple by Rodney Hazell made our task easier. Thanks also to the Temple congregation members for letting us be a part of their special ritual events and for sharing their pictures with the world.

No mention of the Aron Museum could go without thanking the Arons, the founders of and inspiration for this collection. Their initiative over 40 years ago has ensured that future generations will be able to see this unequaled collection of Judaic art works. The generosity of the donors of the objects continues to merit special and heartfelt appreciation.

While every effort was made to contact individuals who contributed photographs the team would appreciate knowing about any possible oversights. To anyone else who contributed in any way and we have forgotten to cite, please accept our thanks and apologies for our unintended oversight.

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