Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward and Brault Collections


Website © 1998 Concordia University

DISCLAIMER: The images contained in the database are intended for viewing by students, scholars, researchers and the public. Commercial use or publication of the materials contained herein is subject to permission from the copyright holders. Contact the artists or the artists' estates and the owners of the works (see Locations and Copyright indexes in database).

CONCORDIA RESEARCH COLLECTIONS: Hayward Collection: For commercial use contact Lawrence Hayward, Kingston, Ontario. For commercial use of slides in the Brault collection contact François Brault or Danielle Lalonde & Alain Guérin in Montréal, Québec.

DOCUMENSA: President Marc-André Ledoux's conviction that technology can provide better access to library materials has made him a deeply appreciated ally for over ten years. Documensa's very generous donation of the web interface software to convert the Slide Library's Edibase records gave us a wonderful opportunity to expand this potential to the Internet. Thanks also to Bernard D'Avignon and Concordia graduate George Bizoglou, at Documensa.

For a project like this we depend on the encouragement and cooperation of many people. At SchoolNet: Maria Hentosz, and Guy Parent at SDC. At Concordia: Special thanks to Johanne Biffi for all her help. Merci beaucoup, Steve Winikoff and Julie Lavoie, for making the database go. In the Faculty of Fine Arts: Thanks to MacLab supervisor, Judith Cezar. We deeply appreciate the advice and continuing contributions of Jean Bélisle, Wolf Krol, Joyce Millar and Erwin Regler.

Additional information and new research is welcomed and will posted on the website when it is brought to our attention.




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