Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward and Brault Collections


After Canada's Digital Collections accepted our proposal to make a website with a database of Canadian sculpture from the Hayward and Brault Collections of slides and documentation at Concordia, we asked some people here in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University for their thoughts on the relevance of providing a database of these works and artists.

We think the result was stimulating and provocative. The short essays by Joyce Millar, an authority on Canadian sculpture in the Art History Department and from Wolf Krol and Erwin Regler, sculptors teaching in Studio Arts and in Design Arts, are posted here for you to read.

If you have a reaction to their comments we urge you to join in an online discussion with them and others interested in Canadian sculpture. Click on the Dialogue icon at the top of this page to become a subscriber to a bilingual electronic forum dedicated to an exchange of views between practicing sculptors and art historians; students, teachers, scholars and others including Mr. Hayward and Mr. Brault. This is a place where you can ask questions, complain about or praise a piece of sculpture you have seen, ventilate your views on the theory and practice of sculpture in Canada..

(If you are interested in the production and technical aspects of contemporary sculpture, try the ISC Web Site Discussion Forum created by Russ RuBert ( on various bulletin boards at )


Joyce Millar


From a sculptors point of view....
Erwin Regler


The Traditional Future
Wolfgang P. Krol

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