
The Chiefs of Chippewas of Nawash
Chiefs listed by oldest to most recent date
George A. Tabigwon..............Prior to 1863 - Died 1873
William B. McGragor...........July 1868 - June 1907
Edward Keeshig...................June 15, 1907 - June 1, 1913
Charles K. Jones.................June 2, 1913 - June 6, 1922
John Wesley Keeshig..........June 7, 1922 - June, 1925 (Resigned)
Charles K. Jones.................June 15, 1925 - June 22, 1931
Oliver Johnston...................June 13, 1934 - June 14, 1937
Thomas Jones.....................June 21, 1940 - June 18, 1946
Peter C. Nadjiwon...............June 15, 1949 - June 8, 1952
Thomas Jones.....................June 9, 1952 - June 15, 1954
Arthur Jones......................June 16, 1954 - June 10, 1956
Thomas Jones....................June 11, 1956 - June 17, 1956 (Death)
Joseph Akiwenzie..............July 31, 1956 - June 22, 1958
John C. Jones....................June 23, 1958 - Jan.16, 1960 (Death)
Orville Johnson..................June 8, 1960 - June 18, 1962
Vernon Jones....................June 19, 1962 - June 15 , 1964
Wilmer Nadjiwon...............June 16, 1964 - Apr. 27, 1967
Joseph Akiwenzie..............Apr. 28, 1967 - June 18, 1968
Wilmer Nadjiwon..............June 19, 1968 - June 9, 1974
Franklin Solomon.............June 10, 1974 - June 15, 1976
Wilmer Nadjiwon...............June 16, 1976 - July 24, 1977
Franklin Solomon..............July 25, 1977 - July 24, 1983
Peter J. Akiwenzie............July 25, 1983 - Oct. 31, 1988 (Resigned)
Howard M. Jones...............Nov. 17, 1988 - July 16, 1989
Ralph Akiwenzie................July 17, 1989 - Present
" Chief and Council " - 1917
Top left to right
Chief - C.K Jones, Frank Ashkewe
Middle left to right
Steven Elliott, Edward Jones
Bottom left to right
Jacob Akiwenzie, Angus Elliott