Ceremonial Pipe Prayer

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This is an example of an original Ojibway Prayer. The Ojibway version will be especially hard for most to translate but, hopefully, will read easily (reads as it looks).


An Old Indian Prayer

O' Great Spirit

Whose voice I hear in the winds,

And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me!

I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes

ever behold the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made

and my ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden

in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,

but to fight my greatest enemy -- myself.

Make me always ready to come to you with

clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset,

my spirit may come to you without shame.


Gete-anishinaabe Anami'ewin

O'o gichi-Manidoo,

O'o ogondaamaan noodinong,

Gaye o'o gamiigiwaad bimaadiziwin o'omaa akiing,

Noodawishin! Ni-dagaashinyi niniinamiz,

Ni-noodi gagwezoongadam gaye jinibwakaadiziyan

Bagidishin chi-babaamoseyaan,

Gaye ga'ojiminwedamaan,

Gaye ni-nishkiinzhig-oon chi-ganawaabadamaan,

Ga'ozhaawshkwaa miskaa ga'ini-bangishimood giizis.

Ozhi-ayaan ni-nijiin chi-gichi'enendamaan

Gakinagego ga-ozhitoowin,

Gaye ni-taawaagan chinoodamaan gi-gondaagan.

Bagidishin chi-gikadamaan ashi gikinoo'amaawiidaa

Ga'izhigaadowin o'maa aniibiishing gaye asining.

Ni-gagwezoogadam gaawiin chi-gagwa'odaawag nisayenh,

Onjida betoo niin chi-miigaanoodizoyan,

Giishipin nishkaadenidizoyan.

Ozhi-ayaa'ishin apane chi-ozhitaayaan,

Gibe ayaa'an dago-gibininjiyaan,

Gaye izhigwayak chi'inaabiyan.

Izhi-onji-bimaadiziwin agonaagwad,

Ga-ani'izhi-agonaagwad gi-bangishimood giizis

Gawiin awiya chi-wiinaanimaad,

O'jichaagoon anitaagoshininid.            

Anisinaabe-Interpreting Services *Baptista Martin &  Doris Joseph


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