Welcome to Local Legends

Ojibway history is handed down from generation to generation by means of Oral Tradition. All records of Ojibway history are passed down in stories and legends in order to preserve their distinct society.

Whole series of legends and stories are recorded on paper and other media in order to preserve their original form. The legends and stories that people have taken the time to record only scratch the surface of the Oral Tradition.

As more and more Elders come forth with their Teachings, they bring along original and distinct legends and stories of the past. The Elders pass on their Teaching because this is most likely the last chance they have to preserve their Oral Tradition.

We have recorded some of these to share with you. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed recording, translating and researching them for you. So follow the links to see a variety of Local Legends.

Local Legends Index


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