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La foi dans l'art

. Les Clercs de Saint-Viateur à Joliette


Musicien et artiste


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La scène académique
du Séminaire de Joliette

une des plus actives au Québe


Formateur de plusieurs centaines de musiciens


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Fernand Lindsay, c.s.v.
éducateur et organisateur




In 1946-1947, the Séminaire de Joliette was at its cultural peak. An article about the college's musical activities, written by a young student named Fernand Lindsay, was printed in L'Estudiant. In it, we can see the essentials of the legacy that would later inspire the founder of the Festival international de Lanaudière.

Unlike most, if not all, other colleges, the Séminaire de Joliette had its own symphony orchestra, which interpreted the likes of Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Ravel. In 1946, Wilfrid Pelletier, the conductor of the New York Metropolitan Opera at the time, came to conduct the orchestra in a performance of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony. Lucien Bellemare, c.s.v., the orchestra's regular conductor, also led a six-member secular choir. Abbot Lanoie led a 25-voice choir in Gregorian chants. Those students who preferred brass instruments, wrote Lindsay, could sign up for the 65-member Harmonie band.

During that school year as well, Roland Brunelle, c.s.v., taught violin to 40 students and gave harmony and composition lessons to the more advanced students. Georges Lindsay, recipient of the 1934 Prix d'Europe, taught piano and organ to 47 students.

Étienne Marion, c.s.v., a pianist and scholar, presided over a Sunday afternoon music circle, when students gathered to listen to radio performances by the New York Symphony Orchestra. Father Marion also gave lectures at which he played phonograph records.

Alongside all these student activities, Wilfrid Corbeil ran the Société des Amis du Séminaire. During the 1946-47 season alone, the society arranged performances by opera singer Pierrette Alarie, tenor Tito Schipa, the Variétés lyriques and the Compagnons de Saint-Laurent theatre troupe.

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Musée d'art de Joliette, 145 rue Wilfrid-Corbeil, Joliette (Québec) J6E 3Z3
Tél. : (514) 756-0311 -- Téléc. : (514) 756-6511 -- email: joliette@login.net
SIte: http://www.bw.qc.ca/musee.joliette