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The Academic Path

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Candidates can satisfy Parts A and B through programs offered by selected post secondary institutions located across Canada. CANDO is currently in the process of accrediting programs offered by institutions  to determine whether they meet the requirements. Any program accredited to offer the CANDO C.E.D. program will be a minimum of two years of full-time study. Credits for individual courses taken at other institutions may also be granted. Take a look at the Academic Equivalents table for the Technician level for more details.

The following institutions offer most if not all of the conceptual and technical requirements for certification:

Insititution Program
Chemainus Native College
C.E.D./ Management Studies
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
C.E.D. Diploma
University of Lethbridge
BESS/ Faculty of Management
Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (SIFC)
Economic Development Diploma
University of Saskatchewan/ SIFC
CIBA Cerificate
Trent University
C.E.D. Diploma
Nunavut Arctic College
Diploma in Management Studies
Simon Fraser University
Community Economic Development Program
Athabasca University
Individual courses
University of Manitoba
Individual courses