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What does an EDO do?

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Almost every Aboriginal community today employs at least one Economic Development Officer (EDO), and has placed a great emphasis on community economic development.  A good economic base will contribute to increased employment levels, community wellness, and self-government.   EDOs are responsible for initiatives that will have a strong impact on each member of the community.

Because of the many skills an EDO needs to be effective in their job, CANDO has developed the Certified Economic Developer (C.E.D.) certification program.  This will ensure that EDOs have the required skills and knowledge to do their job well.

Role of the EDO

An EDO is a community resource person to whom prospective business people, elected leaders and outside organizations or business can go for advice and guidance.

The EDO is the person in the community most likely to be responsible for overseeing the development of community economic development strategic plans.  Given this responsibility, the EDO may coordinate the promotion of the community to prospective investors, lenders, industry or developers - both internally and externally.

EDOs have to meet the various needs of entrepreneurs, community developers, elected leaders and others in the community.  At the same time, their work is founded on community values and local culture, which have to be integrated into any activity they pursue.

The EDO is the pivotal individual in the community having a handle on all aspects of development in the community.  His or her role will change depending on the situation and needs: he/she can be an advisor, researcher, communicator, promoter, writer, developer, and provider of a wealth of knowledge required to undertake economic or business development.  He/she in essence is the operational focal point of economic development of a community.

Questions?   Check out FAQs for some answers

"Role of the EDO" came from the text Community Economic Development -  A Toolkit for Economic Development Officers - Prepared by the Arviat Business Training Centre - Written by Consilium


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