Spirit of a Nation
The Canadian Heritage Arts Society - The Canadian College of Performing Arts
Spirit of a Nation

The Canadian Heritage Arts Society (CHAS)
The Canadian Heritage Arts Society (CHAS) was incorporated in the province of
British Columbia in 1990 for the purpose of promoting the arts through education,
training and performances.

CHAS became a registered charitable organization in 1991 and commenced a highly acclaimed national touring program in 1992. The tour went from mile zero on the west coast to mile zero on the east coast and back again, then up to the territories, with 125 company members from every region of Canada.
Titled Experience Canada, the tour included presentations of the show Spirit of a Nation, created by the artistic directors of the Canadian Heritage Arts Society, which reached over 800,000 people in person
at festivals, schools and theatres. It was also nationally televised, featured in the Canada Day stage and television show from Parliament Hill; debuted a David Foster/Roch Voisine song; performed with Céline Dion; and a televised documentary about Experience Canada continued to be aired for the next few years.
This outstandingly successful venture lead to many invitations to return for repeat engagements.

In 1993, the Society accepted the invitation of the Confederation Centre of the Arts to present Spirit of a Nation all summer long at its Charlottetown Festival in Prince Edward Island. One of the main reasons Confederation Centre was chosen was the opportunity it offered for Dunning and Lemay to further develop the performing arts training component for the participants in Spirit of a Nation. Popular demand resulted in CHAS and the Confederation Centre continuing a proud relationship for four years.

In the summer of 1997, CHAS brought Spirit of a Nation and its now renowned training program,
home to Victoria, British Columbia. In 1998 CHAS opened a national College: The Canadian College
of Performing Arts which enjoys outstanding success and national and international recognition.

Mission Statement
To provide instruction and training in the performing arts, and to raise the aesthetic taste and artistic appreciation of the public at large through the medium of public performances and exhibitions.
To preserve and promote heritage arts and culture.

Hon. Tom Siddon and Janis Dunning
March 1991, The Hon. Tom Siddon presents a cheque for development of
EXPERIENCE CANADA to Janis Dunning, Executive Director, Canadian Heritage Arts Society.

The Canadian Heritage Arts Society wishes to thank all the men and women who have served on the Board of Directors of the Society since its inception.

Galt Arthur -Toronto, ON
Tony Belcher - Sidney, BC
Nancy Bell - Victoria, BC
Bill Bender - Victoria, BC
Margaret Bender - Victoria, BC
Janice Bennett - Victoria, BC
Alan R. Bull - Victoria, BC
Judith Butler - Victoria, BC
Annie Christie - Sidney, BC
Janis Dunning - Victoria, BC
Ron Eberle - Victoria, BC
Richard Fyfe - Victoria, BC
Jim Griffith - Victoria, BC
Geri Hinton - Victoria, BC
Douglas Hopkins - Vancouver, BC
Barbara Housser - Victoria, BC
Ed Kolic – Vancouver, BC
Colleen Johnson - Victoria, BC
Penny Joy - Victoria, BC
Dana Kinghorn - Vancouver, BC
Madaline Larsen - Victoria, BC
Jacques Lemay - Victoria, BC
Maggie Lomas -Victoria, BC
Peter Maddaugh - Victoria, BC
Keith McGregor - Victoria, BC
Robert Orr -Vancouver, BC
David Price - Victoria, BC
Patrick Roberge -Vancouver, BC
Pat Sarsfield - Victoria, BC
Dolly Sidhu - Surrey, BC
Steve Simpson - White Rock, BC
Kevin Sing - Victoria, BC
Joan Snowden- Victoria, BC
Jon Stettner - Victoria, BC
John Stewart - White Rock, BC
Jim Ward - Victoria, BC

Our Honorary Members

Peter Baillie - Victoria, BC
Mary Liz Bayer, O.B.C. – Victoria, BC
Mel Cooper, C.M., O.B.C. - Victoria, BC
Douglas J. Fraser - Vancouver, BC
George Heller - Toronto, ON
Geri Hinton – Victoria, BC
Colin Jackson - Calgary, AB
Senator Laurier Lapierre - Ottawa, ON
Richard O'Brien - Lethbridge, AB
Jean E. Pigott, O.C. - Ottawa, ON
Arnold Spohr, O.C. - Winnipeg, MB

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