Fort Victoria Harbour

"Mr Douglas chose Victoria harbour as much as on account of the small prairies about it as anything else - it was certainly very fit for a Hudson's Bay Company post - and at the time was a lovely place. I have heard Mr. Douglas expatiate on the beauties and flowers and how much he was enamoured by his first explorations of Victoria District and Beacon Hill."

"Very little wind reached in from the sea because forests of pine between the harbour and sea intercepted it. In fact forest surrounded the whole space... thus the climate was delicious the cold sea breezes having no access. Mr Douglas would not allow the forest sheltering to be cut down, as he though if removed the harbour of Victoria would not be sufficiently sheltered."

B.C. Archives
J.S.Helmcken's Reminiscences
AddMss 505 volume 12

"When the opportunity offered and the weather was favourable we would bathe in the harbour; our favorite place being the little bay where the water from the ravine at the foot of the present Johnson street, discharged into the harbour. There a short stone wall had been erected; for what purpose I do not know; but it afforded us a good jumping off place.

My first experience was marked by a big bully of a boy attempting to throw me into deep water and in my struggle getting my knee cap badly cut, the mark of which I bear to this day. Another cause of terror to me was the presence of numerous small crabs which I believed to be spiders."

B.C. Archives
J.R. Anderson Memoirs
AddMss 1912, volume 8, file #6

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