"A stockade or palisade is composed of cedar logs, which are planted in the ground four feet, eighteen feet above ground; constructed with a gallery running all around inside. The logs stood four feet apart and were joined with stringers. These were effective in keeping Indians out."

B.C. Archives
Roderick Finalyson
Description of Vancouver Island and the Northwest Coast
page 56 A/B/30/F49

"Finlayson and myself are however doing the best we can, and I am happy to say things have gone on hitherto without much (let?) or hindrance, have from the annoyance occasionally given us by the Natives

- who have been about us in great numbers, ever since our arrival, and though not so rough and surely in their manners, as their northern neighbours, - it was a great relief to us when we got the stockades placed between ourselves and them."

B.C. Archives
Charles Ross private correspondence

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