Mary Susannah Moody

Mary Susannah Moody

"Time passes very quickly here, we scarcely feel as though we had been 3 months here, 5 from home - I suppose(sic) we all have so much to do, that is one reason - I very seldom get a thing done till after 7 o'clock in the even'g! Kitty is ready for the Children by 1/2 past 2, then I constantly go out with them for a walk, and have perhaps somebody to go to, or frequently people here, then we have tea at 5, and I get nothing done till the bairns are all in bed -"

Moody, Mary Susannah. "Letters" (vol.2) March 21st,1859. ADD.MSS.60

"Called upon Mrs Moody - how comfortable she is, with all her children around her and what a nice sweet, person she is -"

Bushby, Arthur. "Diary" Friday, January 14,1858(sic 1859). New Westminster Museum Archives, Special Collections.

"I had a visit from the Gov'r today, he frequently comes in for a few minutes - I don't get over his formal politeness at all. He certainly is not "the right man in the right place." I do wish they w'd send us another or make Richard Gov'r, I sh'd not object to that!!!!"

Moody, Mary Susannah. "Letters"(vol.2) March 21st,1859. ADD.MSS.60

Richard Clement Moody

Richard Clement Moody

Richard Clement Moody and his family arrived at Fort Victoria in December of 1858, but moved to New Westminster in November of 1863. Mary Susannah Moody spent a lot of her time in Victoria corresponding with her family back home and adjusting to her new life. Richard Moody was in charge of the Royal Engineers in 1858 and was eventually made Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia under Governor James Douglas.


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