Joseph Despard Pemberton

Joseph Pemberton

"...The Hon. W. J. McDonald related the following incident to me: Mr Douglas urged me to buy the property at Oak Bay, at that time unoccupied. I hesitated to take the advice, and consulted Mr. Pemberton about the matter. I then walked out and had a good look at the property, and decided to take Mr Douglas' advice. I went to the Land Office, and informed Mr. Pemberton of my decision.
Mr. Pemberton, rubbing his nose in his usual manner, replied: 'I have taken it myself.'"

Anderson, James Robert. "Notes and Comments on Early Days and Events in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon" ch.12, p.?(171?). ADD.MSS.1912. BOX 8/18, B.C. Archives.


Legistlative Assembly, 1856

Joseph Despard Pemberton succeeded Walter Grant as Hudson's Bay Company colonial surveyor. In 1860 he wrote "Facts and Figures Relating to Vancouver Island and British Columbia", which was aimed at English people considering emigrating to the area. He was also a member of the first Legislative Assembly of Vancouver Island in 1856 along with Dr. John Helmcken, Joseph Mackay, James Yates, Joseph Porter, Thomas Skinner, John Muir, and Dr. John Kennedy.


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