"The ship Tory has just landed about one hundred and twenty persons, all with two exceptions, servants of the Hudson's Bay Company...No preparations had been made here for their reception, beyond erecting a couple of log houses or rather sheds; in these the remainder are huddled together like cattle, as I have seen myself, to the number of thirty or thirty-five in each shed..."

June 10,1851, Blanshard to Grey "London Dispatches" C/AA/10.1, B.C. Archives

"True we differ in opinion as to public matters-...he is opposed to the large reserves of land made for the Companies which he, with justice, opposes as injurious to the country, while I am duty bound to maintain their rights.
It is not as a private individual but as a servant of the Company that there has ever been a difference of opinion. I have the utmost respect for Mr. Blanshard and shall do everything in my power to make him comfortable."

May 21,1851, Douglas to Simpson (private), Hudson Bay Company Archives, D5/30


Charles Ross, Chief Factor at Fort Victoria from 1843-1844, was replaced by Roderick Finlayson. Douglas assumed that position in 1849 after closing Fort Vancouver. That same year Vancouver Island was declared a crown colony and so Richard Blanshard was appointed Governor. He did not arrive at Fort Victoria until 1850. He did not believe that the Hudson's Bay Company had the best interests of the colony in mind. There were a fair number of people who supported him, including James Yates and Robert Staines. Other people supported James Douglas and the HBC. The personal rift ended between the two men when Blanshard resigned a year later, however the political dichotomy continued .


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