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Amazing Discoveries

For its small size, Nova Scotia is unusually rich in fossils. Here are seven discoveries for which Nova Scotia is especially famous, representing a great variety of discoveries of national and international importance.

Arisaig Cliffs Arisaig Sea Cliffs
Silurian Period (438 - 408 million years ago)

Walk through 150 million years of Earth's history.

Footprints Horton Bluff Footprints
Lower Carboniferous Period (360 - 310 million years ago)

The largest fossilised amphibian footprints ever found in rocks of this age.

Hylonomus lyelli fossil Joggins' Ancient Reptiles
Upper Carboniferous Period (310 - 290 million years ago)

At Joggins, the rare remains of the earliest true reptiles have been found inside fossilised tree stumps.

Trackways Diligent River Trackways
Upper Carboniferous Period (310 - 290 million years ago)

These incredible trackways are sure to reveal secrets of ancient amphibian life.

Trackways Brule Trackway
Permian Period (286 - 245 million years ago)

The oldest evidence of herding behavior in animals.

Trithelodont Jaw Parrsboro Trithelodont bones
Jurassic Period (201 - 144 million years ago)

The world's largest cache of Trithelodont bones has been found near Parrsboro.

Mastodon Teeth Mastodon Discovery
Pleistocene Epoch (3 million to 10,000 years ago)

The East Milford Mastodon is the most complete mastodon material found in Nova Scotia to date.

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