Grade 10 History
Home Page Table of Contents Unit Introduction Unit Outline Unit Overview
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Project Bibliography LESSON 1 we need them?

Grade: 10
Time: one 72 minute class

Students will:


  • research and evaluate the role of the Labour Movement in Canadian society.


  • use terms related to historical organization and inquiry correctly.
  • formulate different types of questions (i.e. compare and contrast).
  • use technology effectively when researching Canadian history topics.
  • record and organize information effectively (i.e. comparison organizer).
  • identify different viewpoints and explicit biases when evaluating information for a research report or participating in a discussion.



Lesson Plan:

  1. Ask students to read Gary Katz's "Strike" article. Run a quick brainstorming session (5 to 10 minutes) with the students to consider the central ideas of the article (see Program Information Guide in The CRB Foundation We are Canadians kit for more information about brainstorming). Brainstorming is used to generate many ideas and build upon ideas of others while taking advantage of the momentum of the group. It requires few instructions other than to:
    • go for quantity;
    • involve everyone;
    • reserve judgement;
    • hitchhike on the ideas of others;
    • accept unusual, even silly ideas; and
    • record all ideas.

    Offer definitions, explanations and expansions on ideas or topics covered during the brainstorming session. Provide a summary of the discussion with intention to link to the second part of the lesson.
  2. Distribute a copy to each student of the Union Comparison Organizer handout. The organizer is designed to introduce to students a few central ideas held by pro-union supporters and anti-union supporters in Canada. Instruct students to visit the Canadian Auto Workers Information Site to read "Lean and Mean" and the National Citizens' Coalition Website to read "NCC Runs Ads Opposing Union Bully Tactics".

Possible Extensions:

  1. Visit the Canada's Digital Collection Young Worker Awareness Program web site. It is an excellent site for discussing our rights, duties, and hazards in the workplace.
  2. Hold a formal or informal debate on unionism in Canada. Try - "Be it resolved that unions are a nuisance and hindrance to Canadian economic performance; therefore, they should be legally outlawed."


  • observe student work habits and participation during brainstorming activity


Bibliography we need them?
Union Comparison Organizer

CRITERIA Canadian Auto Workers  National Citizens' Coalition
Aim of organization 


Opinion of labour/unions 


Opinion of business/corporations 


Future challenge/action taken 


Conclusions Drawn (remember to support your views):

 we need them?
Suggested Rubric: Union Comparison Organizer

Student's Name: Date:
Knowledge/Understanding Mark
Below Average (0)
-contains insufficient facts to draw conclusion
Average (6)
-contains enough facts to support conclusion
Above Average (12)
-contains strong evidence to reinforce conclusion
Below Average (0)
-describes or only defines
Average (8)
-finds relationships among ideas
Above Average (15)
-explains, justifies, interprets and predicts
Below Average (0)
-too long or short, vague (off topic), disorganized
Average (4)
-adequate length, on topic, interesting
Above Average (8)
-comprehensive, relevant and clear, precise and provocative
Below Average (0)
-uses Internet appropriately 
-draws conclusion with limited effectiveness
Average (5)
-uses Internet appropriately 
-draws logical conclusions
Above Average (10)
-uses and assists others with Internet appropriately 
-draws conclusions with high degree of effectiveness



Total Marks
Comments (strengths/considerations for improvement):

Home Page Table of Contents Unit Introduction Unit Overview Unit Outline