Humboldt: A Chronological History (Continued)

At a meeting of the ratepayers of Humboldt held October 1, 1906 it was agreed to seek elevation of the community to town status.

On December 6, 1906, Overseer J.W. Lowes forwarded a petition to the Lieutenant Governor asking that the Village be incorporated as a town. The population was given as 425 at this time.

On February 28, 1907 a proclamation was issued by the Lieutenant Governor declaring that "from and after the 1st day of April, 1907, the Village of Humboldt be erected into a town municipality".

Town of Humboldt 1907 - 1981

(Sgd) A.E. FORGET,
Lieutenant Governor.
Province of Saskatchewan.


To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come

(Sgd) J. H. Lamont

Whereas satisfactory proof having been furnished that the preliminary acts and requirements requisite to the erection of Attorney General. THE VILLAGE OF HUMBOLDT into a Town as prescribed by The Municipal Amendment Ordinance, 1901, having been complied with:
NOW KNOW YE that by and with the advice of the Executive Council for the Province of Saskatchewan, I do, by this my
declare that on, from and after the first day of April, 1907, the said village of Humboldt be erected into a Town Municipality to be known as THE TOWN of HUMBOLDT and that the area of the said Town of Humboldt consist of the whole of Section 19, the west half of Section 20, the south west quarter of Section 29 and the south half of Section 30, all in Township 37 Range 22 west of the Second Meridian; and E.T. Wallace, of Humboldt, be the Returning Officer for the holding of the first election of Mayor and Councillors for the said town.
OF WHICH all persons whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.
Given under the hand of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor and issued under the seal of the Province of Saskatchewan at Regina the twenty eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and seven and in the seventh year of His Majesty's reign.

Certified true copy.

(Sgd) Edw. J. Wright,
Deputy Provincial Secretary.

Humboldt Civic Officials 1907-1996

1907 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors J.J. Gable, R. Morrison, O. Ritz, J.J. Stiegler, G.E. Walker, A. Zilliax; secretary E.T. Wallace lace

1908 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors AJ. Borget, R. Morrison, O. Ritz, JJ. Stiegler, R. Telfer, G.E. Walker /J. Ecker; secretary E.T. Wallace lace

1909 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors A.J. Borget, J. Ecker, R. Morrison, O. Ritz, W. Stockall, R. Telfer; secretary E.T. Wallacel/W.H. Stiles

1910 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors A.J. Borget, A. Power, W. Stockall, R. Telfer, E.T. Wallace, J.G. Yoerger; secretary W.H. Stiles

1911 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors A.J. Borget, A. Power, R. Telfer, J. Waddell, E.T. Wallace, J.G. Yoerger; secretary W.H. Stiles

1912 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors F.I. Hauser, A. Power, R. Telfer, J. Waddell, E.T. Wallace, J.G. Yoerger; secretary W.H. Stiles

1913 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors F.I. Hauser, A. Power, R. Telfer, J. Waddell, E.T. Wallace, J.G. Yoerger; secretary W.H. Stiles

1914 - Mayor O.W. Andreasen; councillors A.J. Borget, F.I. Hauser, A. Power, R. Telfer, J. Waddell, J.G. Yoerger; secretary W.H. Stiles

1915 - Mayor A. Power (to June); Mayor J.G. Yoerger, councillors A.J. Borget/G. MeKinney (June), M.E. Dohm, W. Russell, R. Telfer, G.R. Watson, J.G. Yoerger/A.E. Pike (June); secretary W.H. Stiles

1916 - Mayor J.G. Yoerger; councillors E. Gardner, J.C. King, G. McKinney, A.E. Pike, R. Telfer, G.R. Watson; secretary W.H. Stiles

1917 - Mayor J.G. Yoerger; councillors E. Gardner, J.C. King, G. McKinney, A.E. Pike, R. Telfer, G.R. Watson; secretary W.H. Stiles

1918 - Mayor R. Telfer; councillors C. Bruser, D. Gilmour/J. Wicken (Feb.), E. Fletcher, E. Gardner, A.E. Pike, G.R. Watson/F.H. Bence (May); secretary H.D. Creed Mayor R. Telfer; councillors C. Bruser, R. Burns, E. Fletcher, R.J. Kepkey, A.E. Pike, J. Wicken; secretary H.D. Creed

1919 - Mayor J.C. King; councillors F.H. Bence, R. Burns, R.J. Kepkey, A.E. Pike, J. Wicken, J.G. Yoerger; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1920 - Mayor J.C. King; councillors F.H. Bence, R. Burns, R.J. Kepkey, A.E. Pike, J. Wicken, J.G. Yoerger; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1922 - Mayor J.C. King; councillors F.H. Bence, R. Burns, R.J. Kepkey, A.E. Pike, J. Wicken, J.G. Yoerger; Secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1923 - Mayor J.C. King; councillors F.H. Bence, R.J. Kepkey, A.J. Kruse, A.E. Pike/G.J. Crawley (October), J. Wicken, J.G. Yoerger; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1924 - Mayor F.H. Bence; councillors J.H. Cherry, G.J. Crawley, W. Greig, A.J. Kruse, F. MacKinnon, G. Stokes; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1925 - Mayor F.H. Bence; councillors J.H. Cherry, G.J. Crawley, W. Greig, A.J. Kruse, W.R. Russell, G. Stokes; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1926 - Mayor A.J. Kruse; councillors J.H. Cherry, G.J. Crawley, J. Preston, W.R. Russell, R.J. Spurgeon, A.J. Tyson; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1927 - Mayor A.J. Kruse; councillors J.H. Cherry, G.J. Crawley, J. Preston, W.R. Russell, R.J. Spurgeon, A.J. Tyson; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1928 - Mayor G.J. Crawley; councillors J.H. Cherry, A.M. Kelly, J. Preston, R.J. Spurgeon, H.M. Stockert, E.S. Wilson; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1929 - Mayor G.J. Crawley; councillors D.H. Chivers, A.M. Kelly, J. Preston, R.J. Spurgeon, H.M. Stockert, E.S. Wilson; secretary F.W.D. Thompson

1930 - Mayor G.J. Crawley; councillors D.H. Chivers, A.M. Kelly, J.Preston, R.J. Spurgeon, H.M. Stockert, E.S. Wilson; secretary F.W.D. Thompson/H.H. Moore/F.G. Saunders.

1931 - Mayor J.C. King; councillors D.H. Chivers, J. Preston, J.G. Skinner, R.J. Spurgeon, H.M. Stockert, R.G. Yoerger; secretary F.G. Saunders

1932 - Mayor R.G. Yoerger; councillors D.H. Chivers, J.J. Daniels, J.G. Skinner, R. J. Spurgeon, H.M. Stockert, S.M. Sutherland; secretary F.G. Saunders

1933 - Mayor R.G. Yoerger; councillors J.J. Daniels, R.J. Kepkey, J. Platzer, J.G. Skinner, H.M. Stockert, S.M. Sutherland; secretary F.G. Saunders

1934 - Mayor A.J. Kruse; councillors J.J. Daniels, W.S. Hodgson, R.J. Kepkey, J.M. Ogilvie, J. Platzer, S.M. Sutherland; secretary F.G. Saunders

1935 - Mayor A.J Kruse; councillors W.S. Hodgson, I. Mann, J.M. Ogilvie, J. Platzer, J.G. S Skinner, S.M. Sutherland; secretary F.G. Saunders

1936 - Mayor S.M. Sutherland; councillors G.F. Heidgerken, W.S. Hodgson, I. Mann, J.M. Ogilvie, A.J. Platzer, J.G. Skinner; secretary F.G. Saunders/J.E. Cameron

1937 - Mayor F.H. Bence; councillors G.F. Heidgerken, W.S. Hodgson, J. Platzer, H. Rauw, H. Smethurst, C.A. Thompson; secretary J.E. Cameron

1938 - Mayor F.H. Bence; councillors W.S. Hodgson, J.L. Patterson, J. Platzer, H. Rauw, H. Smethurst, C.A. Thompson; secretary J.E. Cameron

1939 - Mayor J.M. Ogilvie; councillors G.B. Bailey, W.S. Hodgson, J.L. Patterson, H. Rauw, H. Smethurst, C.A. Thompson; secretary J.E. Cameron

1940 - Mayor R.J. Kepkey; councillors G.B. Bailey, J.L. Patterson, J.G. Skinner, H. Smethurst, C.A. Thompson, R.G. Yoerger; secretary J.E. Cameron

1941 - Mayor R.J. Kepkey; councillors B.J. Hansen J.L. Patterson, A. Pitzel, J.G. Skinner, H. Smethurst, M.V. Smith; secretary J.E. Cameron

1942 - Mayor R J. Kepkey; councillors B.J. Hansen, J.L. Patterson, A. Pitzel, J. Platzer, J.G. Skinner, M.V. Smith; secretary J.E. Cameron

1943 - Mayor M.V. Smith; councillors F.C. Bower, H. Diesbourg, B.J. Hansen, E. A. Levins, J.L. Patterson, J. Platzer; secretary J.E. Cameron

1944 - Mayor M.V. Smith; councillors F.C. Bower, H. Diesbourg, B.J. Hansen, E.A. Levins, J.L. Patterson, C.G. Robinson; secretary J.E. Cameron

1945 - Mayor E.A. Levins; councillors F.C. Bower, B.J. Hansen, A. Kilcher, E.J. Mills, J.L. Patterson, C.G. Robinson; secretary J.E. Cameron

1946 - Mayor E.A. Levins; councillors F.C. Bower, H. Diesbourg, A. Kilcher, J.L. Patterson, C.G. Robinson, J.J. Sawatsky; secretary J.E. Cameron

1947 - Mayor E.A. Levins; councillors A.N. Butterley, H. Diesbourg, A. Kilcher, G.E. Pirie/K.L. Dust (February), C.G. Robinson, J.J. Sawatsky; secretary J.E. Cameron

1948 - Mayor E.A. Levins; councillors A.N. Butterley, H. Diesbourg, K.L. Dust, C.G. Robinson, E.L. Scharf, W. Stobart; secretary J.E. Cameron

1949 - Mayor K.L. Dust; councillors W. Conley, J.J.T. Daniels, H. Diesbourg, M. Ernest, P. Rauw, E.L. Scharf; secretary J.E. Cameron

1950 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors W. Conley, J.J.T. Daniels, H. Diesbourg, M. Ernest, P. Rauw, E.L. Scharf; secretary J.E. Cameron

1951 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors B.H. Cannell, W. Conley, H. Diesbourg, M. Ernest, P. Ranw, E.L. Scharf; secretary J.E. Cameron

1952 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors B.H. Cannell, W. Conley, M. Ernest, P. Ranw, E.L. Scharf, J.A. Sollosy, secretary J.E. Cameron

1953 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors G.B. Bailey, M. Bernhard, W. Conley/B.H. Cannell (February), P. Ranw, E.L. Scharf, J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron

1954 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors G.B. Bailey/S.J. Pappenfus (Sept.), M. Bernhard, B.H. Canneil, E.J. McNab, E.L. Scharf, J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron

1955 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors G.B. Bailey, M. Bernhard, K.L. Dust, P. Rauw, E.L. Scharf, J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron

1956 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors G.B. Bailey, M. Bernhard, K.L. Dust, J. Grunsky, P. Rauw, J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron

1957 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors G.B. Bailey, M. Bernhard, A.N. Butterley, V.A. Campbell, J. Grunsky, J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron

1958 - Mayor B.T. Laskin; councillors G.B. Bailey, M. Ber nhard, A.N. Butterley, V.A. Campbell, J. Grunsky, J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron

1959 - Mayor G.B. Bailey; councillors M. Bernhard, A.N. Butterley, V.A. Campbell, J. Grunsky, J.M. Ogilvie (Jr.), J.A. Sollosy; secretary J.E. Cameron/A.J. Bridges

1960 - Mayor G.B. Bailey; councillors G.R. Barnes, L. Bauer, A.N. Butterley, V.A. Campbell, K.L. Dust, J.M. Ogilvie (Jr.); secretary A.J. Bridges

1961 - Mayor G.B. Bailey; councillors G.R. Barnes, L. Bauer, V.A. Campbell, K.L. Dust, M. Stebbings, S. Weigers; secretary A.J. Bridges

1962 - Mayor G.B. Bailey; councillors G.R. Barnes, L. Bauer, V.A. Campbell, K.L. Dust, M. Stebbings, S. Weigers; secretary A.J. Bridges

1963 - Mayor K.L. Dust; councillors G.R. Barnes, L. Bauer, A.N. Butterley, R. Cameron, C. Lang, J.M. Ogilvie (Jr.); secretary A.J. Bridges/M. Sawchuk

1964 - Mayor K.L. Dt~st; councillors G.R. Barnes, L. Bauer/A. Gaetz (July), A.N. Butterley, R. Cameron, C. Lang, J.M. Ogilvie (Jr.); secretary M. Sawchuk

1965 - Mayor K.L. Dust, Mayor J.J.T. Daniels (November); councillors G.R. Barnes, R. Cameron, A. Gaetz, G. Hergott, C. Lang/J. Cash (May), R. Perpick; secretary M. Sawchuk/N. Bichel

1966 - Mayor J.J.T. Daniels, councillors A. Brockman, R. Cameron, A. Fouhse, A. Gaetz, G. Hergott, R. Perpick; secretary N. Bichel

1967 - Mayor J.J.T. Daniels; councillors A. Brockman, O. Buschmann, A. Fonhse, P. Olchoway, R. Perpick, L. Wasilishen; secretary N. Bichel

1968 - Mayor J.J.T. Daniels; councillors A Brockman, O. Buschmann, A. Fouhse, P. Olchoway, C. Schlosser, L. Wasilishen; secretary N. Bichel/R.N. Alston, E.E. Barry

1969 - Mayor G.R. Barnes; councillors A. Brockman, O. Buschmann, A. Fouhse, R. McConnell, W. Morose, C. Schlosser; secretary E.E. Barry/R.N. Alston

1970 - Mayor G.R. Barnes; councillors A. Brockman, O. Buschmann, A. Fouhse, R. McConnell, W. Morose, C. Schlosser; secretary R.N. Alston/R.M. Holowaty/W.L. Herman

1971 - Mayor G.R. Barnes; councillors N. Boutin, A. Brockman, O. Buschmann, R. McConnell, W. Morose, C. Schlosser; secretary W.L. Herman

1972 - Mayor G.R. Barnes; councillors N. Boutin, A. Brockman, O. Buschmann, R. McConnell, W. Morose/A. Fonhse (June), C. Schlosser; secretary W.L. Herman

1973 - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors A. Brockman, O. Buschmann, A. Fonhse, R. McConnell, A. Muench, C. Schlosser; secretary W.L. Herman

1974 - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors R. Codling, F.L. Coyle, A. Fouhse, A. Senko, R. Lauer, A. Muench; secretary W.L. Herman

1975 - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors R. Codling, F.L. Coyle, A. Fouhse, A. Senko, R. ` Lauer, A. Muench; secretary W.L. Herman

1976* - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors R. Codling, F.L. Coyle, A. Fouhse, A. Senko, R. Lauer, A. Muench; secretary W.L. Herman *Council term expired October 31, 1976

1976-77* - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors R. Codling, F.L. Coyle, J. Kunaman, M. Hergott, R. Lauer, M. Seidel; secretary W.L. Herman *Council term began November 1, 1976

1977-78* - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors R. Codling, F.L. Coyle, J. Kunaman, M. Hergott, R. Lauer, M. Seidel; secretary W.L. Herman *Council term expired October 31, 1978

1978-79* - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors M. Gantefoer, M. Hergott, C. Ritz, J. Schenn, M. Seidel, D. Still; secretary W.L. Herman *Council term began November 1, 1978

1979-80* - Mayor T.M. Breker; councillors M. Gantefoer, M. Hergott, C. Ritz, J. Schenn, M. Seidel, D. Still; secretary W.L. Herman *Council term expired October 31, 1980

1980-81* - Mayor M. Seidel; councillors B. Behiel, B. Henderson, W. Prolopishin, C. Ritz, J. Schenn, D. Still; secretary W. L. Herman *Council term began November 1, 1980

1981-82* - Mayor M. Seidel; councillors B. Behiel, B. Henderson, W. Prolopishin, C. Ritz, J. Schenn, D. Still; secretary W. L. Herman *Expriy term likely October 31, 1982

1981-83 - Mayor Seidel; councillors Byron Beheil, Boyd Henderson, W. Prokopishin, Clair Ritz, Jim Shenn, and Doug Still.

1983-85 - Mayor Seidel; councillors M. Gantefoer, B. Henderson, D. Korte, C. Ritz, J. Schenn, and Doug Still

1985-88 - Mayor Brecker; councillors G. Hoffman, C. Isert, D. Korte, G. Saret, J. Sawatsky, and Doug Still.

1988-91 - Mayor Brecker; councillors B. Halderman, D. Korte, A. Muench, G. Saret, J. Schenn, and D. Still.

1991-94 - Mayor Still; councillors R. Ehalt, B. Halderman, H. Kung, A. Muench, G. Saret, and J. Schenn (B. Stevenson, (0ct.93)

1994-96 - Mayor Still; councillors D. Cash, B. Halderman, P.Pavelich, V. Meckelborg, D. Reiffersheid, and B. Stevenson (1993)

You may also be interested in reading Through The Years, which is a brief summary of the years 1907 - 1981.

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