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King Coal - BC's Coal Heritage
Japan Markets


Japan: A lot of people, very little space

World Demand for Steel

Uses for Steel

Japan After World War II

Japan and the Steel Industry Today

Uses for steel 14,15

Take your time and look around you. Many important products that we use to make our lives easier and better were made with steel and need coal in order to be manufactured. The cars, electronics equipment, buildings, railways, bridges and probably even the spoon that you eat off of are made of steel; it is a fact that we should all be aware of but rarely stop to think about.

Steel is a basic building block and is very important in the construction of bridges and buildings. Steel is used to strengthen concrete, reinforce foundations and to make the pipes that carry water, gas, and other liquids. Steel is also used to make the framework and roofs for buildings like homes, schools, recreation centers and malls.

Photo of Yoshima Bridge in Japan

Cars, trucks and other automobiles
After the construction industry, automobile companies are the second biggest steel buyers in the world. Nearly every part of a car is made with or has steel parts. Steel makes up close to 70% of the weight of a car. The body, engine, engine parts, and exhaust system are all made from steel.

Everyday Uses
Steel packaging is very common today. The cans that your Campbell's soup and Chef Boyardee come in are made with tinplate steel. Tinplate is steel that is coated with a thin layer of tin. The tube that holds your mom's lipstick is most likely made with steel as are the pots that are used to cook your dinner. If you paint your house or fence, you will find that the containers holding the paint are also made of steel.

"Kitchen Appliances made with steel and other products"
"Kitchen appliances made with steel and other products."
Courtesy of the Mining Association of BC

Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is very stable and doesn’t need to be coated with any other material. It is healthy and doesn’t change the taste or the colour of the food that it touches. Stainless steel is used to make many kitchen utensils like knives and forks, plates, pans and casserole dishes. Things that are made with stainless steel are very easy to keep clean, and they resist water and other detergents.

Special steel parts are needed in all types of electronic equipment. These parts help us to communicate through our computers, TVs, satellites and telecommunications systems.

Energy and Health
The energy industry uses special steel equipment to keep our environment safe. Steel can stand up to very tough challenges, staying strong against dangerous chemicals, high temperatures and heavy weight.

Because stainless steel is very stable and safe it is used to make artificial hips, knees, surgical screws and etc. Stainless steel is also used to make surgical tools because it does not effect human tissue.

"Computer Control Room at a BC Minesite"
"Computer control room at a BC minesite."
Courtesy of the Mining Association of BC

The Eiffel Tower, your family car, and paper clips are all made from steel. Now that we know all about coal, where it goes and what it is used for we can begin to see a much bigger picture. Our BC coal doesn’t just disappear when it leaves Canadian ports, it travels around the world in a big circle, stopping in countries like Japan and eventually coming back to Canada. We may not see the black lumps of coal that left our province several months before, but every time we cook a meal, type on our computers and even put on lipstick we are making use of this mineral.

By looking at the world and the way that people live their lives, we can see how each and every one of us is responsible for the millions of tonnes of coal that are mined every year.

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Introduction  |  Tumbler Ridge  |  The Caufield Brothers Japan Markets  |  Coal Mining and the Environment  |  Mining Technology  |  From the Mines to the Ports

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