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Myrtle Philip recalls a day at Rainbow Lodge when one of her young horses seemed particularly feisty. At first she did not know what the problem was or why the horse was so moody. However, Myrtle had a special relationship with her horses and soon enough the horse turned around and lifted its tail. Ah ha! There, in an extremely tender spot, was a wood tick embedded deep in the horses skin! Not wanting her friend to suffer any longer, Myrtle assembled the proper first aid supplies to remove the festering insect: some turpentine and a feather. As she bustled away, Alex caught site of her from the kitchen window and became curious.
feeding on the veranda

"Myrtle, what on earth are you doing?" he exclaimed.
"Well, if you must know, I'm going to get a tick out of the horse," she replied.
Apparently Alex thought this was tremendously humorous and rounded up a group of his friends to watch the operation. As she worked away, Myrtle became aware of her growing audience snickering behind her. At last, she plucked the tick from the horse and quickly dipped it into the turpentine, only to receive a roar of laughter from the men. She promptly turned with feather and turpentine in hand and smartly quipped "Now, who's next?".
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