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By the end of Stage 4 a learner is a fluent and Independent reader. Learner not only reads to learn, but also reads for pleasure.

At this stage a learner:


  • recognizes how own attitudes and beliefs may affect comprehension
  • understands a variety of text forms both fiction and non-fiction
  • understands some literary devices such as metaphor


  • reads faster, with greater fluency
  • reads unfamiliar text with degree of ease


  • is familiar with common abbreviations
  • knows how to use parentheses, italics, bolding, and underlining
  • recognizes and uses pronouns and other referents as clues to cohesion


  • compares orders and classifies information within text

Text Types and Styles

  • recognizes and reads: reports, literature, magazines, newspapers


  • recognizes topic in text
  • easily locates topic sentence
  • infers commands, requests, conclusions, function vs. form, opinion vs. fact
  • is learning to critically analyze text
  • reads, critiques and gives feedback on others' work

Writing Strategies

  • uses time-saving reading practices, such as use of index, checking format for clues to content, skimming
  • varies rate of reading according to purpose of text

Metacognitive Strategies

  • uses a wide variety of strategies to learn
  • uses a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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