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General description:

  • Learner can communicate orally in some unpredictable contexts and can function independently in familiar and some unfamiliar social situations.
  • Follows formal and informal conversations on most practical, social and work topics with some unfamiliar vocabulary at a normal rate of speech.
  • Comfortably participates in oral discourse on a variety of topics beyond common daily needs.
  • Able to determine mood, attitudes, feelings.
  • Understands and uses sufficient vocabulary, idioms and colloquial expressions to follow and relate stories of general popular interest. Clarifies meaning by re-wording, rephrasing.
  • Language form is complex ( e.g. multiclause compound and complex sentences/ utterances). Linguistic errors do not interfere in communication. Self-corrects effectively.
  • In social interaction functions, learner chooses expressions appropriately to formality level of the situation.
  • Discourse is of moderate to extended length, with complex and detailed information content needed for analysis, comparison and decision-making.
  • Uses the phone on unfamiliar matters, able to clarify details.
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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