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General description:

  • Learner can communicate effectively in unpredictable contexts and can function independently in unfamiliar social situations. Understands formal and informal general interest conversations, discussions, speeches or lectures, and those in own specific field of interest, at a normal to high rate of speech despite some unfamiliar vocabulary. Participates effectively and with confidence in casual discourse on topics beyond basic daily needs.
  • Understands and uses sufficient vocabulary, idioms, colloquial expressions and technical jargon of own field of study or work to handle most routine social, work or study situations, requirements and assignments.
  • Language form is complex, and mostly accurate. Flexible use and manipulation of structure of information. Uses many "productive features" in English for creative, personal expression.
  • In social interaction functions, learner chooses expressions appropriately to formality level of the situation and demonstrates adequate and appropriate control over the interaction. Understands some jokes and cultural allusions but still not as comfortable around cultural references and issues as with universal themes or areas of expertise. May not have a deep enough intuitive understanding of nuances in cultural values and interpersonal and sociolinguistic skills to satisfy all expectations of advanced, native-like interaction. Also, depending on the culture of origin and personality, learner can be too shy (passive) or too dominant (aggressive) in conversations, discussions, debates.
  • Discourse is of moderate to extended length, with very complex and detailed information content needed for analysis, comparison, decision-making and evaluation.
  • Uses the phone effectively, correctly and appropriately; able to clarify details or ask for more explanations.
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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