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General description:

  • Learner is able to read an authentic 1-2 page long text of mostly factual, concrete nature with some abstract ideas within a familiar, predictable, practical and relevant context of daily social, educational and work-related life experience.
  • Learner sometimes requires re-reading and clarification, as many words and idioms are unfamiliar, content detail increases, grammatical structures include tenses and aspect, passives, derivations of parts of speech, compound and complex structures.
  • Meaning is conceptual and modal; text contains facts and opinion; some information is explicit and some is implied.
  • Lexical, grammatical and rhetorical cohesion devices are increasingly complex in range and more demanding to follow.
  • Unfamiliar words are easier to guess - the learner relies on her/his developing "grammar of expectancy', and uses a unilingual dictionary often for confirmation/precision.
  • Learner reads in English for information, to learn the language and to develop reading skills, but also begins to read very simple adult fiction for pleasure.
  • Can find specific, more complex information in visually complex texts (tables, calendars, course schedules, cookbooks) by scanning.
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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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