Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Restoration Project - Creekside News Logo
July 24, 1998

Issue Twelve
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Salmon Main
Haig-Brown Kingfisher

Creek Ad Hoc Planning Committee, Society staff, and Board members
Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society Ad Hoc Planning Committee, Society staff, and Board members.

Left to right, back: Arne Dambergs, Water Management Branch, BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (MELP); Craig Barlow, Vancouver Island Highway Project; Cameron Owen, Society Junior Landscape Architect; David Reid, Landscape Architect, Lanarc Consultants; Joyce Pielou, Society Project Coordinator; Dan Bernard, Environmental Consultant; Jeff Mason, Haig-Brown Site Naturalist; Richard Eliasen, Habitat Tech Engineer, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada (DFO); George Vardy, GB Vardy & Assoc., Consulting Biologists; Peter Law, Habitat Biologist, Habitat Protection, MELP.

Front, l to r: Ken Enns, Society Board Member at Large; Richard Stephens, Highland Engineering, Consulting Engineer; Mike Roth, Society Board Member; Kevin Brown, Society Education Coordinator; Caroline Heim, Consulting Biologist, GB Vardy & Assoc.; Jim Van Tine, Manager, Special Community Projects, DFO.

Profiles on Parade

This article is the first in a series that will pay homage to those who have made the project progress to its current stage. With the involvement of so many individuals and agencies in the project it will be impossible to profile everyone who should be mentioned, due to the few short summer weeks that remain for the Creekside News publication.

Although there are still many individuals working on the project who are dedicated to seeing Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek as a restored productive salmon stream, there are many others who are no longer with the Society. Many of these individuals have contributed immense time and effort, the results of which have far exceeded anyone's expectations.

The foremost contributor to the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society is indisputably Van Egan, a former biology teacher at Carihi Secondary in Campbell River, and fishing friend of Roderick Haig-Brown. Now retired from the Society's administration, he has been instrumental in gathering support for the creek restoration project, and providing direction and guidance for the entire Society.

Van Egan and the Society's Board of Directors have been the life-blood of the project, particularly during the first Phase, completed in 1984. They have carried the restoration project forward, from Roderick Haig-Brown's initial vision of a restored creek in the mid-seventies, to the current phase of the project, where approximately a thousand metres of new stream channel will start being dug this coming week.

The first of these articles will focus on the individuals currently in the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Implementation Committee. This committee was formed to allow important decisions to be made efficiently on the Society's behalf without the need to hold an official board meeting (which requires a quorum of the eight members of the board of directors). When considering the volume of decisions presented to the board, and the short time frame, this committee has been an integral and invaluable component in the advancement of the project. Today, the committee members are: Ken Enns, Dave Hadden, Mike Roth, Kevin Brown, and Marcy Prior. These members, with the addition of Van Egan, will be the focus of the first profiles in the coming issues of the Creekside News. Stay tuned!

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