On the
By Damien Barstead
The Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Restoration Project has made significant progress
in the construction of its new kilometer-long stream channel. The lower 700 meters have been
dug, boulders have been placed, weirs have been built, pieces of wood have been secured, and
huge numbers of pools have been constructed. Besides the re-planting of vegetation, the initial
construction of the stream channel is complete. The next step is to continue digging upstream,
from the top end of the new channel located at the end of 16th St.
The large excavator and work crews
are starting the construction of the new creek channel above 16th St. today.
The equipment and manpower is currently moving to the new work site. Although the small
excavator and some of the work crew were still fine tuning the lower segment of the new
channel yesterday, the project coordinator felt that they would be finished these details in the
area by the afternoon.
The large excavator and its operator Wayne Anderson are already situated at the top
end of the channel preparing for today’s advance on the upper reaches of creek branch. Part of
today’s preparations involved the clearing of some young alders, as well as some initial
surveying and discussions with Richard Stephans, an engineer from Highland Engineering.
Engineer Richard Stephans and machine operator
Wayne Anderson scope the new work site.
The smaller excavator and the rest of the project’s workers will also join him today,
assisting in the progression through the steeper and slightly more complex terrain.
It will be interesting to observe how this next stage of the restoration project will
compare to the lower elevation, lower gradient reaches. Visit the Creekside News soon to find
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