Kingfisher Creek Logo Creekside
July 3, 1998

Issue Three
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Salmon Main
Flood Control at Campbellton Elementary
Schoolyard flood
Campbellton Elementary Field Flood

Teachers and students of Campbellton Elementary will see a minor alteration to their schoolyard's landscape when they return this fall. For the fish, however, the promise of a new stream channel provides hope for a safer refuge during BC's wet season. Until now, Campbellton School has had major flooding problems in their schoolyard during heavy rain periods, often compounded by spring runoff. The problem has been so bad that coho salmon have been repeatedly found trying to swim across the top of the schoolyard, an often fatal hazard.

Efforts are currently underway to prevent the waters of Kingfisher Creek from breaching its banks. This is being done by erecting a berm along Campbellton Elementary's fence line. Although some water will be allowed to flow beneath the schoolyard during times of flooding,

Campbelton Elementary School Field
Efforts begin to alleviate flooding problems at Campbelton Elementary School

it is hoped that the majority of the water will remain in the Kingfisher Creek stream channel. The new berm is planned to be 2.5 metres high. The fence will be relocated on top of the berm nearest the new stream channel, to try to keep adventurous children out of the creek. Vegetation to cover the new berm will initially be hydro-seeded grass, but it is hoped that some native shrub and tree species will take root in the rough aggregate of the berm.

Look for updates on the progress of the new berm in later editions of the Creekside News.

Highways worker surveys school yard

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