Kingfisher Creek Logo Creekside
July 6, 1998

Issue Four
Page 2 of 2
Page 1





Salmon Main
Planning For Success

The staff at the new Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society office, on Willow Street in Campbell River, are frantically trying to arrange all the details that must be taken care of as the restoration project progresses. Good co-ordination and administrative planning are what will allow this project to be efficient, effective, and ultimately successful. The result will be roughly 1000 metres of new stream channel, which will provide winter rearing and spawning habitat for coho salmon.

Office Staff -
Joyce Pielou and Jeff Mason
Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek Society Staff

Currently, Joyce Pielou, the recently hired project co-ordinator, with assistance from Jeff Mason, the Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek site naturalist, are hard at work.

They are coordinating new positions, dealing with site monitoring and operations supervision, and locating various needed machinery and machine operators.

As well, an important committee meeting has been planned for today at 10:00 am. Attending will be all the parties that have been involved in the project over the past years. Issues such as hydrology, fisheries biology, landscape design, project timing, and construction methods for the project are being discussed. Project funding will also surely be a vital topic of discussion, since it is a crucial component in making the creek restoration a success for this non-profit society.

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