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Rose Fortune:
Rose Fortune.
Rose Fortune

Rose Fortune lived in Annapolis Royal in the nineteenth century. Unlike most women of that era she did not maintain a strictly domestic lifestyle, but rather, ran her own business. She worked at the wharf, carrying passenger's baggage from the ships to the motel. Being a black woman of limited income, she had only a wheelbarrow to perform these duties. However, she had begun a family business which eventually blossomed to the point where trucks were employed. Apart from this, she was also the self-appointed keeper of the peace on the wharf. This made her, according to many, the first female sheriff in Canada.


Although there are many disputed details about Jerome's undocumented life, we think the following occurrences are the most likely.

In the 1870's, a man washed ashore at Saint Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia. He was found on the beach with his legs amputated, not torn off during a shipwreck or some other disaster. He was dressed in the clothes of a nobleman. How he came to be there is a mystery, for in the several years he lived in the local community, he spoke but one word. The one word he actually spoke was determined to be 'Jerome'. That is how he came by his name. However, many believe that he was attempting to name his place of origin and was misunderstood as having said Jerome. The circumstances surrounding his arrival, life, and origins are a mystery.

Joshua Slocum:

The Spray: Capt. Joshua Slocum's 37-foot sloop.
The Spray: Capt. Joshua Slocum's 37-foot sloop.
In 1859, Joshua Slocum set sail from the port of Boston, Massachusetts in his ship, the Spray. Three years later he had become the first person to sail around the globe alone. In 1909, Joshua set sail again, seeking more adventure. This time his destination was South America. Neither he nor his vessel were ever seen again. The nature of his disappearance remains a complete mystery. A native of Westport, Brier Island, Joshua Slocum truly is a Nova Scotian hero. Born in New England, he was raised in Mount Hanley, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. The one-room school house he attended in Mount Hanley is now a museum.

Slocum Plaque
Joshua Slocum
This plaque reads: "The first man to sail around the world alone, April 24, 1895 to June 27, 1898. He was born on North Mountain, February 20, 1844. Lived at Westport until he went to sea in 1860. The captain and the Spray were lost at sea in November 1909." --The Slocum Society

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