The Ranking of Coal  

Coal is ranked according to the degree to which the original plant material has been transformed into carbon. The classification of coal is as follows:

Anthracite - Hard coal with a brilliant lustre. Burns slowly with a blue flame. It contains more than 86 percent carbon and little moisture. It is used as a domestic fuel or blended to make coking coal.

Bituminous - Black banded coal, usually contains less than 86 percent carbon and more moisture than Anthracite. It is used as a domestic and industrial fuel, and is also used to make coke.

Sub-bituminous - A black coal containing 15 to 30 percent moisture when mined. It is used primarily for thermal generation.

Lignite - Brown to black coal, containing from 30 to 40 percent moisture. It disintegrates in air and has a low heat value. This coal is used in some areas for thermal generation


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