Coal Mining in Lethbridge

Section of Irene McCaugherty's "Boats Barges Belly River Coalbanks to Medicine Hat 1883-1884 1890."

Exhibit Contnents

  1. The History of Coal Mining in Lethbridge
  2. The Discovery of Coal by Nicholas Sheran
  3. Nicholas Sheran's Mines
  4. The Galt Family
  5. William Stafford
  6. The North Western Coal and Navigation Company
  7. The Bull Trains
  8. Steamers and Barges
  9. The Turkey Trail
  10. Types of Mines
  11. Ore Cars
  12. Removing the Coal
  13. Horses
  14. The Inclined Railway
  15. Productivity of the Mines
  16. Coal Unions
  17. Gas in the Lethbridge Mines
  18. Disasters and Accidents
  19. Mine Rescue Stations
  20. Growth of a Mining Town
  21. Prostitution
  22. Illegal Coal Mining
  23. Ethnic Diversity in a Coal Town
  24. Miner's Library
  25. Conclusion
  26. Coal Industry Chronology


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