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Last Updated: 2001/05/31


France and the French shore to 1800

The French Shore fishery
after 1815

The Acadians in Newfoundland

The French and Breton

Living conditions of the
French Fisherman

The first homes

The evloution of French
speaking communities

Material Life

Spiritual Life

The period of Assimilation:
The English Influence

The influence modern Technology and the mass media

The French Newfoundland Renaissance

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    The first school noted in a census is listed in 1901, at Red Brook. Before 1901, the educational level of the inhabitants was not very high, and those who went to school stayed for a minimum period of time. Teaching was in English, although intended for children who did not know that language. Oral testimony suggests that the only French people in the area with any real education had acquired their learning in France or St. Pierre, before coming to Newfoundland. The first school at Mainland is noted in 1921, while there was a school for the Black Duck Brook population by 1901.








