image title of the legacy

Clothing | Food & Drink | Tools & Equipment | Miscellany
Commerce & Trade | Working the Ship | Weaponry
legacy title

Parks Canada excavated the Machault two hundred years after it sank in the Chaleur Bay. A substantial amount of artifacts were found, some of which were not expected.

Researchers studying the artifacts believe that the French cleared the Machault of many things before it was scuttled, such as:

  • Food
  • Munitions
  • Tools
  • Personal belongings of the sailors, soldiers and officers
  • Other items related to everyday 18th century living.

Material remaining on the Machault included:

  • Weaponry
  • Lost, broken, or discarded personal items such as combs, buckles, pipes, etc.
  • Spare parts and tools
  • Mess supplies for those who stayed on board during the ship's last moments
  • Cargo that the French could not have used in the land camp, or that was privately owned.

The greatest portion of this cargo was venture merchandise, mainly tableware, much of which appears to have been hastily assembled in Bordeaux, France. Also included were articles of clothing for trading purposes with the natives.

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Some artifacts found on the Machault.

Parks Canada has recorded all of the artifacts found on the Machault in a book entitled "The Legacy of the Machault". Most of the information and graphics contained in this section were obtained from this book.

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