Kispiox Valley Rodeo Pioneers

The Kispiox Valley is honored to be able to thank its old timers, some of whom are regretfully no longer with us, who founded the KVR over 50 years ago.

They are: Helen Campbell and Ted Campbell, Lloyd Morrison, Marty and Dorothy Allen, Bill and Lil Love, Wally and Marcella Love, Buster Henderson, Drew Wookey, Norman Hagen, Henry Hagen, Neil Sterritt, and Ben McKenzie. Other long time cowboys here are Bill Quadros, and Grant Nash.

These people stuck out the hard times, the lonely times, and the times when there wasn't enough time to get everything done.

Thanks to people like these, the Kispiox Valley Rodeo grounds are a beautiful combination of arena, halls, concessions, and diverse camping. They are also the reason the Kispiox Rodeo is in existence at all.

Their hard work, dedication, and spirit are built into every board and fence at the KVR. Thanks a million folks.



A Little About Helen Campbell

Helen Campbell has lived most of her life in the Kispiox Valley. She lives on a farm far inside the valley, with few modern conveniences and little support. The heavily loaded pack trains headed north on the Telegraph Trail traveled past her home on a regular basis until the Trail eventually fell into disuse.

There in her country home Helen raised gardens, children and horses with equal facility. With no doctor anywhere near she also had to care for her growing family herself.

Helen's life was by no means tied to her hearth and house. She was known for her skill on her famous "Chico" horse, a partner that let her ride like the wind, with no separation between them. Helen also rode with her husband Ted as pick-up men in the rodeo arena. Ted would gather in the cowboys after their ride while Helen brought in the broncos.

Read Transcription Of An Interview With Helen Campbell. [Click Here]

Helen Campbell

Helen Campbell


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