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Crossword Puzzle

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3. The most important plant on Sable Island. It traps sand and holds the dunes together. 1. Pieces of a shipwreck that are gathered up and sold are called________.
6. What the men of the Humane Establishment tried to do to sailors when 10 down did happen. 2. Sable Island is this direction away from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
7. On clear days, lifesaving crews climbed towers and looked through this to spot wrecks. 4. Some Scallop and Oyster _____ found on Sable Island's beaches are thousands of years old, from a time when the ocean was warmer.
8. _________ are extinct on Sable Island because they were hunted for their tusks and oil. 5. Another word for ship.
9. Tricky _______ in the waters around Sable Island made it hard for sailing ships to navigate. 10. Modern ships use this to "see" Sable Island through the fog.
12. What sailors hoped would not happen to them on Sable Island. 11. A type of sailing ship--many of the vessels that sank off Sable Island were these. The Bluenose on the Canadian dime is one of them too.
13. Sable Island nickname: The _______yard of the Atlantic. 13. Thousands of _______ seals breed on Sable Island.
15. One of the biggest causes of shipwrecks. Sable has 125 days of this a year. 14. Lifesaving crew shot a rope out to the shipwreck with a line-throwing ________.
16. A hill of sand.
17. The ________ buoy was a pair of pants sewn to a life ring; it was used for rescues close to the island.
18. Shipwreck survivors stayed in the _______ home until the steamer came to take them to Halifax.

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Canada's Digital Collections
Contracting Partners:
The Sable Island Preservation Trust
Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History