As Clergue
indicated in his 1922 letter, LACAC discovered that
the first level of the building had been divided by
means of a brick wall creating a foyer and a
kitchen area. Although Clergue hadn't mentioned the
staircase which must have been constructed to
access the second level and a suspended staircase
that permitted access to the third floor, the LACAC
report indicates that there are in fact such
staircases and that neither staircase was damaged
by the 1974 fire. The second level is bisected by a
hallway, which has two large rooms off one side and
three smaller rooms off the other. The two large
rooms have been divided by means of cedar logs
indicating that they date from Clergue's time.
Cedar logs indicating that they, too, date from
Clergue's construction originally divided the rooms
on the opposite side of the hall. One of the rooms,
however, has been subdivided using another type of
material indicating that the subdivision ante-dated
Clergue. This attic area is fitted with numerous
built-in storage chests. Speculation is that the
building was originally heated by means of a link
with the heating system within the pulp
The building has
been vacant since the 1974 fire. It was situate on
property owned by St. Mary's Paper and, although
the building was unused, the area surrounding the
building was used as a parking lot. LACAC
envisioned a time when the Block House would be not
just another designated site but also an additional
tourist attraction in the canal area. A feasibility
study commissioned by LACAC in 1985 substantiated
this position. However, a lack of funding then and
in the foreseeable future meant that any hopes of
restoring the Block House had to be put on
LACAC's plans for
the Block House remained in abeyance until the fall
of 1995 when St. Mary's Paper indicated that they
needed the property on which the building was
situate for expansion purposes. This placed LACAC
and the Sault Ste. Marie Historic Sites Board in an
awkward position a new home had to be found for the
Block House and it had to found quickly. St. Mary's
Paper requested that the building be moved or
demolished by 30 July 1996. Although a number of
sites in the immediate vicinity of the building's
original home were suggested and investigated, at
the end of the day none of them wanted the Block
House. Parks Canada, which was considered to be an
ideal spot, expressed the opinion that the Block
House did not fit in with its master plan. After
all other avenues had been exhausted, LACAC
recommended to the Historic Sites Board that the
Block House be moved approximately three (3)
kilometres distant to the site of the Ermatinger
Old Stone House. Since there was no other viable
location, the geographic integrity of the site was
sacrificed in order to ensure the survival of the
building. The link between Charles Oakes Ermatinger
and both the North West Company and the Hudson's
Bay Company and the proximity of the new site to
the St. Mary's River solidified the decision to
move the Block House to the undeveloped parking lot
east of the Ermatinger Old Stone House.
The relocation of
the Block House was a complex and highly technical
operation undertaken by LACAC in conjunction with
St. Mary's Paper, Heritage Sault Ste. Marie, Great
Lakes Power, the Sault Ste. Marie Construction
Association and numerous skilled local volunteers
who each offered his or her professional expertise.
Using specially designed steel cradles and two (2)
cranes, the log portion of the Block House was
lifted off the stone base and lowered onto a
portable float. No sooner was the building lowered
onto the float than the float began to sink
unevenly into the soft ground surrounding the
structure. There were a few anxious moments when
the building appeared to shift as the float
settled. The decision was immediately made to place
the building directly on the ground in order to
eliminate possible slippage.
Once the upper
level of the Block House was lifted off the base,
the base was painstakingly dismantled stone by
stone, appropriately marked and reassembled at the
Ermatinger Old Stone House site.
The next
step was to relocate the top portion of
the building and to reunite it with the
stone base. The size of the building
presented a logistical moving problem. The
winding streets of Sault Ste. Marie,
combined with the overhead signage and
transmission lines made if difficult to
plan a route to accommodate a building
that measures approximately 29 feet by 35
feet, is 31 feet in height (exclusive of
the float) and weighs 55 tons. The route
ultimately selected extended from the site
along Huron Street to the Wisconsin
Central asphalt platform to St. Mary's
River Drive, along St. Mary's River Drive
to Foster Drive, across the former A.B.
McLean site, through Clergue Park to East
Street, from East Street to Bay Street
along Bay Street to Pim Street and finally
along Pim Street to St. Thomas Street and
the new site.
The cranes
used to lift the top portion of the building off
the stone base were used to put it back in
place. The corner of Bay and St.
Thomas Streets is now officially known as the
Ermatinger Clergue Heritage Site and the Block
House has been brought under the umbrella of the
Sault Ste. Marie Historic Sites Board. The Block
House, which has already attracted considerable
attention from the general public, will be
incorporated into the site plan for the Ermatinger
Old Stone House where it will continue to serve as
an outstanding testimonial to the memory of Francis
H. Clergue.
