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Project Manager
Jacques J. Choquette

Jeff Brown
Jason Hatcher
Jacques J. Choquette

Site Design
Jacques J. Choquette

Historical Research
Frances Heath, B.A., M.A., LL.B.
R. Jack Falkins, H.B.A., LL.B.

Legal Adviser
R. Jack Falkins, H.B.A., LL.B.

SchoolNet Digital Collections
Industry Canada




Without their valuable help, long hours of research and guidance, the information could not have been amassed.

R. Jack Falkins
Frances M. Heath
Sault Ste. Marie Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee


These politicians, local, provincial and federal, provided support to the initial proposal and we thank them.

Steve Butland, Mayor Of Sault Ste. Marie
Tony Martin, Member Provincial Parliament, Sault Ste. Marie
Carmen Provenzano, Member Of Parliament, Sault Ste. Marie


These guardians of our history were most co-operative and trusting, allowing us access to their valuable historical data and archives. Once again, thank you.

Sault Ste. Marie Public Library
Willie Eisenbechler
Fred How-Parks Canada
Louise Robillard-Parks Canada
Donna Ryckman-Rooney- Parks Canada
Glen Cond-Central United
Sault Ste. Marie Museum
St. Lukes Cathedral


A project of this size could not be accomplished without the co-operation of a number of individuals who gave freely of their time, expertise or assistance. Sault Ste. Marie is famous for the way its citizens work together and this is , but again, another example of that process.

Robert Cuerrier
Economic Development Corporation
Susan Myers
Mockingbird Hill Homestead Farm
Chris Tossell, Architect
Malcolm McLeod- Central United
William Kidd
Dorothy Bowers
Edith Morrow
Robert Ewing
Frank Sarlo, Q.C.
Homecoming Committee, S.S.M, Ontario
Steel City Kiwanis
Donna Gregg
Ontario Winter Carnival Bon Soo
Judy Mcgonegal
Norma Bernardi
Linda Burtch
Helene Groulx

Further Reading

Sault Ste. Marie - City by the Rapids
An illustrated history by Fances M. Heath
Windsor Publications(Canada) LTD., Burlington, Ontario

A Vast and Magnificient Land
An illustrated history of Northern Ontario
Edited by Matt Bray and Ernie Epp
A bicentennial project of the Ontario Ministry of Northern Affairs 1984

Our Town
Sault Ste. Marie, Volumes I And II
Aileen Collins
Sault Ste. Marie Museum



Sault Ste. MarieTM


This Web site was produced under contract to Industry Canada ©1998