
[Main Page] [Rural Roots] [The Midway] [Exhibits] [City Involvement]
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Rural Roots
The Midway
City Involvement

Schoolnet Digital Collections

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1879 Magazine Cover
Cover of Canadian Illustrated News, October 4, 1879.
Filesize: 271 Kb

1900 Aerial View
An artists impression of the 1900 exhibition.
Filesize: 235 Kb

1888 Advertisement
Appeared in the Ottawa Journal on August 3, 1888.
Filesize: 15 Kb

1888 Advertisement
Appeared in the Journal on September 21, 1888.
Filesize: 32 Kb

1889 Site Plan
The layout of the grounds, appearing in the Journal, September 9, 1889.
Filesize: 111 Kb

1879 Sketch of Grounds
A drawing of the 1879 Dominion Exhibition grounds.
Filesize: 111 Kb

1888 Sketch of Grounds
A drawing of the horticultural hall and art gallery from the 1888 exhibition.
Filesize: 52 Kb

[The Early Years] [Between World Wars] [Post World War II]
[The Booming Years] [The Modern Era]

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